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I am a PhD candidate in the Awadalla Lab at the University of Toronto and the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research. My research focuses on the fusion of evolutionary biology, synthetic data, learning algorithms, and computer vision for applications in cancer omics' and somatic evolution.
Previously, I received my BSc in Pharmacology at the University of British Columbia (UBC) where I worked on developing computational methods for identifying pharmacogenomic relevent genetic variation with Bruce Carleton at BC Children's Hospital Research Institute (BCCHRI) and for interrogating genome evolution and pleiotropy in plants with Keith Adams at the Biodiversity Research Centre. I also dabbled a bit in quantifying the pharmacodynamic properties of analgesics with Michael Walker in the Department of Anesthesiology, Pharmacology, and Therapeutics.

For questions, collaboration, or scientific discussion, feel free to reach out

tom.ouellette [at]